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What is ReactPlay?


ReactPlay is an OpenSource platform to create, learn and share ReactJS projects with the developer community. Here we emphasize learning by creation. Hence create before learning.

Create → You as a learner have the complete freedom to create any project. Have an idea and want to convert that to reality, go ahead. Want to recreate something you saw on the internet, you are welcome to do so. Or you can simply browse the plays submitted by our fabulous developer community and take inspiration.

Learn → To create a project you need to learn a host of technologies. That’s obvious. But, does the learning stop there in ReactPlay? Not really. Here, once you submit your project, the code goes through a serious code review by experienced developers. In the review process, there is a constant back and forth with the experienced devs where you learn industry best practices, performance, etc… In short, you learn to “Think in React”.

Share → Once the code review is successful, your play is accepted and you are now a part of the ReactPlay community. Yay!! 🥳 This also counts as an open-source contribution and your work will now be available on the ReactPlay platform for others to explore. You continue to learn if and when someone starts learning from your project and asks you questions about how you achieved certain things. Or requests a new feature and in many other ways.

The Play in ReactPlay

We’ve heard the word play come up a lot of times. What is this play? If you’ve guessed it, congratulations! Play is the project that you submit in ReactPlay.

🔥 Getting started

Already have an idea about a project you would like to create. Don’t wait. Get started right away. Go to > +Create. Follow the instructions given on the page that opens up.