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APIs hook

In ReactPlay, we work with APIs by using our custom-made react hooks. They are as follows:

  1. useCacheResponse
  2. useContributors
  3. useFeaturedPlays
  4. useFetch
  5. useGetPlays
  6. useGitHub
  7. useLikePlays
  8. useLocalStorage

In this section, we will discuss each of them in detail.


As the name suggests, this hook can be used to create a temporary cache for any kind of data in our codebase (not on the browser).

Input Parameters:

  • None

Returned Value - Array

  • Getter function to fetch the cached value based on the key
  • Setter function to create/update the value against the key


const [getCacheResponse, setCacheResponse] = useCacheResponse();
const response = axios(API_URL);
setCacheResponse(FILTER_DATA_RESPONSE, response);
// ....
const isCachedResponse = getCacheResponse(FILTER_DATA_RESPONSE);

In the above example, we are setting the FILTER_DATA_RESPONSE value based on the API response. This value is now stored as a cached response. We can then use getCacheResponse to access this cached value by passing the same key of FILTER_DATA_RESPONSE


This custom hook helps in retrieving the information about ReactPlay's contributors.

Input Parameters:

  • sorted: a boolean value If true is passed, the result would be a sorted list of contributors based on the number of contributions (highest to lowest).

Returned Value - Object

  • An isLoading state represents a loader while the data is fetched.
  • The error object contains details about any error that occurred while trying to fetch the data.
  • The data object contains the list of contributors' information


const { data, error, isLoading } = useContributors(true);

return (
<ul className="list-contributors">
{isLoading && <li>Loading...</li>}
{error && <li>Error: {error.message}</li>}
{data && => (


Invoking useFeaturedPlays hook would internally run a GraphQL query to retrieve the list of featured plays.

Input Parameters:

  • None

Returned Value - Array

  • A loading state that represents a loader while the data is fetched.
  • The error object contains details about any error that occurred while trying to fetch the data.
  • The data object contains the list of featured plays as an array.


const [loading, error, data] = useFeaturedPlays();
const success = !loading && !error && data.length;

return (
<ul className="list-plays">
{loading && <p>Loading...</p>}
{error && <p>{error?.message ?? "Something went wrong"}</p>}
{success &&
data?.map((play, index) => <PlayThumbnail key={index} play={play} />)}


useFetch is a custom hook that creates a wrapper around the fetch call. Although we use GraphQL to fetch data on react play, this hook would be useful while making REST API calls that are required while creating custom plays.

Input Parameters:

  • url: Endpoint URL of the API
  • options: An object to provide API options

Returned Value - Object

  • A loading state that represents a loader while the data is fetched.
  • The error object contains details about any error that occurred while trying to fetch the data.
  • The data object contains the response from the API


const { data, loading, error } = useFetch(API_BASE_URL);

return (
<div className="data-container">
{loading && <p>Loading...</p>}
{error && <p>{error?.message ?? "Something went wrong"}</p>}
{data && <p>{data.content}</p>}


Invoking useGetPlays hook would internally run a GraphQL query to retrieve the list of all the plays. This custom hook considers any filters that are applied through Filter Play options as well as any value provided in the search bar.

Input Parameters:

  • None

Returned Value - Array

  • A loading state that represents a loader while the data is fetched.
  • The error object contains details about any error that occurred while trying to fetch the data.
  • The plays object contains the list of plays as an array.


const [loading, error, plays] = useGetPlays();

if (loading) {
return <Loader />;

if (plays?.length === 0 || error) {
return (
<div className="play-not-found">
<ImageOops className="play-not-found-image" />
<p className="page-404-lead">Play not found</p>
<p className="page-404-desc">
Please change your search or adjust filters to find plays.


useGitHub fetches the GitHub API to obtain information about a given user.

Input Parameters:

  • username: GitHub username

Returned Value - object

  • An isLoading state represents a loader while the data is fetched.
  • The error object contains details about any error that occurred while trying to fetch the data.
  • The data object contains the user's GitHub information.


const { data, error, isLoading } = useGitHub(`username`);

return (
<div className="data-container">
{isLoading && <p>Loading...</p>}
{error && <p>{error?.message ?? "Something went wrong"}</p>}
{data && <p>{data.login}</p>}


This custom hook creates an abstraction around the likePlay and unlikePlay functions.

Input Parameters:

  • None

Returned Value - Object

  • likePlay function which takes a playObject that has been liked
  • unlikePlay function which takes a playObject that has been unliked


const { likePlay, unLikePlay } = useLikePlays();
// ... code processing
await likePlay({ play_id:, user_id: userId });
// ... some more processing
await unLikePlay({ ...mutationObj, liked: !likeObj.liked });


This hook acts as an abstraction function for getting and setting localStorage values.

Input Parameters:

  • key
  • initialValue

Returned Value - Array

  • storedValue against the provided key
  • setValue is a function to update the storedValue data on localStorage


const [localStoreExpenses, setLocalStoreExpenses] = useLocalStorage(
// accessing the stored value
const expense = localStoreExpenses[localStoreExpenses.length - 1];
// storing new values against the same key `et-expenses`
setLocalStoreExpenses([...localStoreExpenses, data]);